Release Notes: Item 1710-02
2018-2019 Regulatory Release (Source Code Changes, with User Guide updates)
This is the second of two release items which comprise the 2018-19 Regulatory release. This item contains code modifications for 2018-19 Federal processing: ADD Load processing, FM calculations, federal corrections and COD reporting. Item 1710-01 contains the 2018-19 file changes.
Modifications to address any further federal announcements will be issued as needed. 2018-19 packaging is scheduled for release when the Pell tables are available, typically by mid-January. FISAP revisions will be released when final specifications become available, usually the following July.
The 2018-19 ISIR contains 16 new IRS data retrieval field flags (eight each parent and student), similar to the existing AGI and FIT data flags, which are added to the Federal (WF19FEDD) and ISIR (WF19ISRD) files:
- Student IRS Type of Tax Return Data Field Flag
- WF-FE-C-IRS-RET-STU (Federal field)
- Parent IRS Type of Tax Return Data Field Flag
- WF-FE-C-IRS-RET-PAR (Federal field)
- Student Exemptions Data Field Flag
- WF-FE-C-IRS-EXMP-STU (Federal field)
- Parent Exemptions Data Field Flag
- WF-FE-C-IRS-EXMP-PAR (Federal field)
- Student IRS Education Credits Data Field Flag
- WF-FE-C-IRS-EDCR-STU (Federal field)
- Parent IRS Education Credits Data Field Flag
- WF-FE-C-IRS-EDCR-PAR (Federal field)
- Student IRS IRA Payments Data Field Flag
- WF-FE-C-IRS-IRA-STU (Federal field)
- Parent IRS IRA Payments Data Field Flag
- WF-FE-C-IRS-IRA-PAR (Federal field)
- Student IRS Interest Income Data Field Flag
- WF-FE-C-IRS-INT-STU (Federal field)
- Parent IRS Interest Income Data Field Flag
- WF-FE-C-IRS-INT-PAR (Federal field)
- Student IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag
- WF-FE-C-IRS-DIST-STU (Federal field)
- Parent IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag
- WF-FE-C-IRS-DIST-PAR (Federal field)
- Student IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag
- WF-FE-C-IRS-PENS-STU (Federal field)
- Parent IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag
- WF-FE-C-IRS-PENS-PAR (Federal field)
- Student IRS Tax Return Filing Status Data Field Flag
- WF-FE-C-IRS-FLST-STU (Federal field)
- Parent IRS Tax Return Filing Status Data Field Flag
- WF-FE-C-IRS-FLST-PAR (Federal field)
The new IRS data retrieval field flags are displayed in a new FINANCIER window, accessible by expanding the DTL field on the Verification screen. The AGI and FIT field flags, which previously appeared on the top level of the Verification screen, are now displayed in the new window. The AGI and FIT flags are also removed from the CPS Communications screen.
In this year's need analysis calculation, three "homeless youth" assumption fields have been eliminated (changed to filler in the ISIR). In FINANCIER the corresponding fields were WF-FE-CAS-TEST-UYSD, WF-FE-CAS-TEST-UYHU and WF-FE-CAS-TEST-HMLS.
Dictionary values in the year-specific files reflect the following changes to ISIR field values:
- WF-FE-C-IRSREQ-STU (Student IRS Request flag) and WF-FE-C-IRSREQ-PAR (Parent IRS Request flag) include the new value 07.
- WF-FE-C-IRS-AGI-STU (Student IRS AGI Data Field flag), WF-FE-C-IRS-FIT-STU (Student IRS FIT Data Field flag), WF-FE-C-IRS-AGI-PAR (Parent IRS AGI Data Field flag), WF-FE-C-IRS-FIT-PAR (Parent IRS FIT Data Field flag) all have values 3 and 4 updated. (ED has also added the description "IRS DRT not used" for the blank value.)
- WF-FE-C-IRS-DSP-STU (Student IRS Display flag) and WF-FE-C-IRS-DSP-STU (Parent IRS Display flag) have an updated year reference in value D, and value H has been deleted.
As well, the FAA Federal School Code and the Electronic Federal School Code Indicator on the ISIR now include a description for the blank value. FINANCIER has never had Dictionary values defined for the corresponding fields, WF-FE-F-COLLEGE and WF-FE-C-ELEC-INST.
There are no NSLDS changes. Correction Field Numbers have not changed. The Dictionary entries in release item 1710-01 for correctable federal fields contain the correction numbers.
As in the past several years, verification is based on the verification group to which a selected student is assigned. Only the V1, V4 and V5 groups will be assigned in 2018-19.
Implementation Notes
The attached zip file
- SYSOBJH file (sy171902.txt) with replacement modules for all members in this release. The SYSOBJH file contains 268 NATURAL objects; see the List of Affected Modules for a complete list. Library name: FATEMP
- FINANCIER User Guide update pages (ug171002.pdf) to be printed and inserted into the manual, with update instructions (uginstr.pdf).
To implement the 2018-19 Regulatory release, complete the following steps:
- Unload the SYSOBJH file in the attached zip file
into a temporary library.
- SYSMAIN the new and updated modules from your temporary library into your development library. When copying the updated versions of source modules, be sure to review your current 2017-18 modules and apply any institutional modifications to the appropriate 2018-19 version.
The new modules are the year-specific components named W*19*. The updated modules are:
- Roll your 2017-18 institutional calculations forward to 2018-19 and make any modifications necessary due to institutional requirements.
- Application Checklist
- Application Requirements
- Budget
- Disbursement Checklist
- Disbursement Requirements
- Loan Certification
- SAP calculation
- Execute a CATALL against your development library to pick up all data area changes.
- On the FAO Table maintenance screen (under the System menu), when all FAO-specific calculations are in place, for each valid FAO at your institution, modify the High Year field (WW-TABLES.WW-HI-YEAR) to contain the new aid year.
- The JCL in the ADD Import job (WFADDIMJ) for 2018-19 will remain the same as last year, with ISIR record length of 4300 (Work File 1).
- Print the changed pages and User Guide update instructions in the zip file.
- Perform institutional testing. When testing is complete, you may move the released modules to your test and production environments.