This release upgrades FINANCIER to incorporate XML Schema 4.0e for 2021-22 COD reporting. All 2021-22 Common Record documents must be sent using COD Common Record XML Schema Version 4.0e. All 2021-22 Common Record responses will be sent by the COD System using COD Common Record XML Schema Version 4.0e
Currently there are no changes to any of the XML in the export programs or the import programs. The only change made with this release is to the namespace part of the Common Record file.
A new tag will be added to PLUS Application (CRSP) response for Direct Parent PLUS Loan applications. The COD System will include the <RelationshipToStudent> tag in the PLUS App (CRSP) response in the borrower block. COD has noted that this is for future use and therefore we will implement this new tag as future specifications are released.