Who We Are
WolffPack is a privately held corporation committed to serving the administrative needs of the financial aid community through software development, regulatory updates, and technical and functional consulting. Our sole focus is software and services for higher education. We believe that innovative system development, early regulatory updates and strong customer relationships are all integral to our mutual success.
With a wealth of functional and technical expertise acquired over many years of experience in designing, developing and implementing financial aid systems, WolffPack personnel are a well-rounded team. Our active participation in professional organizations and close ties with agencies serving the financial aid community help us to monitor regulations and anticipate trends in financial aid.
Our work is guaranteed. Period.
WolffPack: a better experience for all your users.
WolffPack is committed to the financial aid profession. We specialize in financial aid services and software development, actively participate in professional organizations, and monitor trends in financial aid and regulations.
WolffPack offers a wide variety of services, including regulation development and implementation, system enhancements, financial aid consulting and training, technical consulting, and system maintenance.
More than just numbers
At WolffPack we know that administering financial aid is about more than numbers.
It’s about insuring that deserving students get the gift of higher education.
It’s about giving the financial aid staff the technology to efficiently process and manage complex federal aid programs with fewer worries about audit compliance and exceptions.
It’s about providing students and their parents with accurate, easy information for college financing — information that will help them make informed decisions and early commitment to attend your institution.
It’s about allowing administrators to focus on the business of higher education, to improve retention and graduation rates, insure fiscal responsibility and reduce default rates.
It’s about faith in your mission and confidence in your resources. We share your commitment and we’re ready to help.
FINANCIER™ allows you to: * Review a student’s loan history (including Perkins, FFELP, Direct, Health Profession, institutional, and other loans) by aid year online. * Package loans online or through the automated packaging process. * Automatically distribute loans...

ADD Load
Student ISIR data gets loaded into FINANCIER Both online and batch. Is this the right one? And then other things happen.

Packaging allows you to implement YOUR rules. Like it or not.
2008-2009 COD Reporting Affected modules: WFDLE09B WFDLI09B WFFLA09B WFFLE09B WFFLI09B WFPEY09B
2009-2010 COD Reporting (with User Guide Updates) Affected modules: WFF10021
Potential FA Students covered this year
Hours per day our work is guaranteed
Support Calls 2019
Years In Business (?)
WolffPack, Inc.
Corporate Office
24 Osage Trl
Spencerport, NY 14559
Client Support
For any Client Support issues or questions please email support@wolffpack.com
To schedule an Online Demo of FINANCIER or for any Product and Services information please email sales@wolffpack.com
Web Page Feedback
To report comments or problems with this web page please email webadmin@wolffpack.com
To contact us for any other reason please email info@wolffpack.com